Брин Терфель. Концерт в “Барбикан-холл” (2021)

Bach – Cantata №82 “Ich habe genug”
1. Aria: Ich habe genug
2. Recitative: Ich habe genug. Mein Trost is nur allein
3. Aria: Schlummert ein
4. Recitative: Mein Gott! Wenn kommt das schone: Nun!
5. Aria: Ich freue mich auf meinen Tod
Finzi – Let us garlands bring
1. Come away, come away, Death
2. Who is Silvia?
3. Fear no more the heat o’ the Sun
4. O mistress mine
5. It was a lover and his lass
1.I can give you the starlight (Novello)
2. Ar hy y nos (Welsh traditional)
3. My dearest dear (Novello)
4. Ar lan y mor (Welsh traditional)
5. Keep the home fires burning (Novello)
6. We`ll gather lilacs in the spring again (Novello)
7. Still, still, still (Austrian traditional Carol)
Симфонический оркестр имени Бриттена
2021 год, Барбикан-холл, Лондон
MKV (2,64 Гб)
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